Managing Stress

Gary Smith at Fortitude Financial Coaching, LLC

To Succeed, You Need To Find Something To Hold On To, Something To Motivate You, Something To Inspire You

Stress can impact our emotional lives, our physical lives and the people in our lives.

Major stress impacts include Money, Relationships and Responsibilities.

Gary Smith at Fortitude Financial Coaching, LLC

Life Balance Requires Transformation
Life balance is about preventing stress not managing stress. Stress is a familiar feeling for two-thirds of the country due largely to job pressures, financial woes, health concerns and unhealthy relationships. Too many of us are busy focusing on managing stress, rather than preventing it. All of us are familiar with at least some of the symptoms of stress - fatigue, headaches, hypertension, weight gain, weaker immune system, upset stomach, muscle tension, anger, anxiety, depression, and yes, even impaired sex drive.

So, how do we go about preventing stress from entering our lives in the first place?

The key to preventing stress is to find balance in our daily experience. To do that, we must work hard, have good relationships, have a healthy spiritual life, learn how to handle money and to continue to grow personally as well as professionally.

It’s necessary for us to take care of ourselves in many different areas: physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, relationally, financially, and intellectually if we want to be successful in life.

Why not get alone sometime soon, or with your spouse, and take an inventory of the different areas of your life? It will probably be beneficial to cut back in some areas and increase in others.

We are all designed for growth. Growth involves transformation, and transformation starts with belief. It starts with a belief that things can be different. That where we are today doesn’t have to be where we end up. It starts when we decide to change, and it starts in the mind. If we can change our minds, we can change our habits. If we can change our habits, we can change our lives.

  • 1. Financial – Start a monthly budget, get out of debt, start saving for retirement. When you focus less on how much money is in your bank account and start measuring success more by doing the right thing, serving others, etc. – financial health follows.
  • 2. Spiritual – Plug in to a small group at church, or start a morning devotional. It’s important to stay grounded and rooted in faith during good times and bad times.
  • 3. Physical – Hit the gym more often, take the stairs, eat healthy, get enough rest. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Being physically active can improve brain health, help manage weight, reduce risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.
  • 4. Mental/Intellectual – Read one book each month, focus on positive thinking, or finish your degree. What we consume into our minds is what comes out, so protect what you allow into your mind. Be selective about what you consume and filter it carefully. Feed your mind with positive, beneficial content.
  • 5. Relational – Step away from electronics, plan one-on-one dates with your kids, have a standing date night with your spouse, make time for meaningful conversation. The most valuable business in the world is not the one you go to every day, but the one you come home to every day.
  • 6. Career – Work toward a promotion or raise, learn something new about your line of work, discover what you’re passionate about, or send out resumes if you’re looking for a new career path. Having enough time for work and your personal life is essential for your well-being and can lead to a more fulfilling life, both at home and in the office.
  • 7. Social – Look for new ways to connect with others, say yes when someone invites you out to lunch, or – for some – say no more often. Surrounding yourself with a positive social network increases your self-esteem. Social wellness enables you to create boundaries that encourage communication, trust, and conflict management. Having good social wellness is critical to building emotional resilience.

  • Marriage, Money, Personality
    A marriage without shared money and goals is just a joint venture
    According to a survey from Ramsey Solutions, fights revolving money are the second leading cause of divorces in the U.S., with infidelity being the leading cause. The combination of ineffective communication and debt often causes stress around financial situations, leading many couples to seek a divorce.

  • Money is the number one issue married couples argue about.
  • 86% of couples who got married in the last five years started out in debt.
  • The higher a couple’s debt burden, the more likely they are to argue about money.
  • Couples in healthy marriages are much more likely to talk about their money dreams and make long-term money goals.
  • 63% of individuals are uncomfortable about discussing personal finances with their spouse.

  • Nearly two-thirds of all marriages start off in debt.
  • One third of people who say they argued with their spouse about money say they hid a purchase from their spouse because they knew their partner would not approve.
  • Ninety-four percent of respondents who say they have a “great” marriage discuss their money dreams with their spouse.
  • Sixty-three percent of those with $50,000 or more in debt feel anxious about talking about their personal finances.
  • Conclusion: Healthy Money Conversations, Healthy Marriages

    There is hope for couples who want to work on better communication around money. When couples get on the same page, through talking regularly, making money goals, and discussing dreams together, they build a strong foundation for their relationship. Working with each other (instead of against) reduces anxiety and fosters healthier relationships.

    10 Financial Goals that Will Change your Life and Help Relieve Stress
    We teach the Baby Steps, by a Ramsey Solutions, Master Financial Coach. The steps are a proven plan to paying off debt, saving money, and building wealth. The steps are designed to be followed one right after the other to lead you out of debt and stress into a life of saving and giving.

     Create and Live on a Written Monthly Budget

     Maintain an Emergency Fund

     Eliminate Consumer Debt

     Live Below your Means and Reject the Big Spending Lifestyle

     Pack a Lunch and Skip the Latte

     Invest 15% of your Income for Retirement

     Take Advantage of Time, not Timing, in Investments

     Invest in a Higher Education Plan for your Children

     Pay off your Mortgage Early

     Live Generously – Tithe and Donate to Charitable Causes

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