Learn to Budget

Gary Smith at Fortitude Financial Coaching, LLC

For Things To Change, YOU Have To Change

There are many how-to-books on the market and we all want one that works.

The bible gives us a blueprint and teach's us God’s way of handling money. And, here’s the thing about God’s way of handling money: They work. Every time.

Gary Smith at Fortitude Financial Coaching, LLC

God’s Way of Managing Money
The Bible doesn’t shy away from talking about money. There are roughly 2,350 verses concerning money in the Bible. Jesus had a lot to say about money: Nearly 15% of everything Jesus spoke about related to money or possessions. These verses give us a blueprint and teach us God’s way of handling money. And, here’s the thing about God’s way of handling money: They work. Every time. Following the biblical principles of money management will mean you won’t have to worry about managing money. And beyond that, you’ll build wealth so you can live out your dreams, and be generous to those in need.

Make a budget and Stick to it.
Making and sticking to a budget is a key step towards getting a handle on your debt and working towards financial goals, of any kind. Getting started can be the hardest part, especially if your finances feel out of control. So, what is a budget? A budget is just a money plan. It’s not a restriction on spending, it’s a plan for what you’ll do with your money. It’s a plan for what’s coming in and what’s going out. When you learn how to make a budget, and do it every month, you’re giving your money purpose. You’re taking control. Say Goodbye to money anxiety, and Hello to money goals. A budget might seem overwhelming at first, but know this: You can do it!

  • 1. List your Income
  • 2. List your expenses
  • 3. Subtract expenses from income
  • 4. Track your transactions
  • 5. Make a new budget before the next month begins
  • The reason the budget is so important is that it gives you the power to know where you are spending your money and enables you to make smarter decisions and advantageous adjustments to better help you reach your financial goals – both short – and long-term.

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    The scriptures on this page are from the NLT version

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