Common Questions

Gary Smith at Fortitude Financial Coaching, LLC

Successful People Are Simply Those With Successful Habits

We are excited to work with families who are ready to take control of their financial future. We're looking for those ready to pay off their debt, save for their future, achieve a dream, service their community, or create a legacy for their children or grandchildren.

Frequently Asked Questions

A financial coach helps you create goals and stick with them so you’re not just dreaming about financial freedom, you’re living it. Financial coaching is different from any other finance-related job. CPAs help you with your taxes. Financial advisors help you with your investments. But financial coaches work with you to create a start-to-finish plan for your money and help keep you on track.
In simplest terms, financial coaches provide information that help put clients in the best position to create initial wealth. Financial advisors work to manage and build on wealth that already exists. Once the initial wealth is created the client is referred to an advisor to assist in managing and investing their assets.
You can certainly work through personal finances on your own, but if you really want to see awesome results a good coach will:

  • Take you to another level of understanding
  • Help you recognize and deal with old, self-sabotaging habits
  • Help you gain greater clarity
  • Break down daunting goals into manageable steps
  • Ensure long-term goals remain in sight when your focus expands
  • Help you become better prepared
  • Support and motivate you
  • Help you to develop positive habits
  • Ask you questions that you don’t (or avoid) asking yourself
  • Challenge you to new ways of thinking
  • Support your ongoing process
  • Be a sounding board for new ideas
  • Support you past obstacles
  • Keep you accountable and committed to your goals
  • You don’t need to have thousands of dollars in assets to work with a financial coach. In fact, most clients are in debt, have little in savings, and have poor spending habits. Perhaps you’ve tried to make a budget, but just can’t stick to it. Maybe you make enough money, but can’t figure out how to build an emergency savings fund. Or maybe, you have so much debt between credit cards and loans that you don’t know the best way to pay it off. Regardless, a coach can meet you where you’re at and steer you in the right direction to win with money. A financial coach can help you structure your budget, build a financial plan and hold you accountable throughout the process. Often, clients have deep-seated emotions around money. Financial coaches help clients to identify, understand and work through those emotions.
    Coaches are not licensed to provide financial advice like advisors are. Therefore, they cannot provide specific product recommendations.
    Marriage is not “me” – it’s “we”. Working on your finances together is the only way to succeed when it comes to money. Not only that, many couples find that talking about money goals actually reduces stress in their marriage. It’s so important, we’ve made it one of our core teachings.
    Coaching is meant to put money back in your pocket, not take it out. It’s the best way to help you develop the right money habits and put an end to your money problems. Some people will ask if they can afford it, but maybe you should ask yourself, can I afford to not get help from a coach? There’s no better way to establish good money habits than by having a personal money mentor who understands your situation. You should never be ashamed of your financial struggles when working with a coach. They’re here to encourage you. They work with clients from all walks of life and all ranges of income.
    No, mainly because we don’t want your coach to become your creditor. Coaches work to get you out of debt, not deeper in it. Instead, we ask that you always pay your coach in full up front. And remember, at Fortitude Financial Coaching, the first session is completely free.
    The great part about working with a financial coach is that they’ll guide you through every step of the process. During your consultation, your coach will ask questions to get to know you, your goals, your dreams, your past, your pain points, etc. So be sure to have your answers ready.

    Office Hours: Monday-Friday
    9am-4pm (we provide Zoom calls throughout the world with various time zones / click and schedule the best time to get started)

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